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Nail Art Designs

Since the beginning of time, people fear for their jobs more attractive and more beautiful by the tattoo with vegetable dyes and other natural colors. If you think that the nails were spared by this problem, you should think again. You see, as long as 5000 years ago people in India are known for their art in the hands and nails with henna or mehndi express comes from plants.

Learn more about the nails

The tradition of decorating nails with beautiful colors and symbols is gaining popularity in this country today. increasingly shows not only provide simple manicures, pedicures and artificial nails, but also so-called nail art. In addition to painting polished nails in different colors, you can now see with precious stones, metals, or simply beautiful drawings of butterflies, ladybugs and flowers. Some are even perforated or stamped with a number of small objects like beads and metal beads.

Today Nail Design is one of the most popular ways to express themselves. The good news for most people is that it is usually not permanent like tattoos, so you can change styles and colors to suit your needs. For people who work and have strict rules of the office you can always satisfy your thirst for art by his toenails.

Trends and contemporary styles in Nail Art

Painting and airbrushing

Two of the simplest and most common expression through painting nails with a nail brush and ordinary airbrush painting. Simple drawings, symbols and drawings can be obtained by this method. For a colorful and elegant, you may still have some luster. You can find many salons that offer these services.

If you have daughters, you can hand-painted nail art, or wear the airbrush over the summer. They love crawling spiders, Daisy, have bright stars, and even cute little heart in small nails.


You are in the style of abstract art certainly appreciate this new art nail. However, this requires much patience of the artist, for it can achieve the right combination of colors of marble the desired effect can be difficult. If you do not use it on the psychedelic colors and powerful want, this style can also be used in the office. Just be sure to choose pastel colors and light-no shock to his superiors.

Piercing and aesthetic

Body piercing is popular, especially for young people and adults young. If you are interested in rings and other drilling equipment, but do not want to hurt, you can have your nails piercing. However, it is recommended that a professional nail technician will go not to have your nails involved in this process. In general, the rings are given in acrylic nails and not the real one.

Some people are addicted to gemstones and precious metals. Instead of these expensive materials in the mouth and teeth, we can put on your nails. Typically, stones and other precious materials in acrylic or gel nails shall be used, because they are stronger and longer. You can find all details of the job you want as long as you have the money, resources, and a guru of good nails.

Nail Care

Since the nail art is not so cheap, you make it last longer. Therefore, you should take care of your nails.

The first thing to remember that if you nail art is that you do not treat all types of bleach or chemicals. If you must, make sure to wear gloves. If you do not have to pay someone who would do the laundry for you, it is best not to make T-shirts and dresses made of fragile materials that need to wash their hands. Hand washing and cleaning agents can break too easily fade nail polish.

It should also nails a few days or weeks of rest after each nail art or detail, especially if they require the use of acrylic paints, gels or platform. Many people tend to develop nail fungus for that reason. If you already have nail fungus, you have to wait to heal completely before a nail art in order to prevent the spread of the disease and a further deterioration of the nails.

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