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How To Protect Glow On Ur Face In Summer

Women want to look their best at all times. Tightens the skin, body and face, and the lights of the correction are the most popular free time do make-up. When applying makeup, is the first step to clean the face. An exfoliating cream is used to wash the oils in the night. It is followed by hydration and firming.

Make-up begins after the skin is moisturized and toned. A foundation, skin color, which is generally a shade lighter than the skin of the face used for matches. The fate cover blemishes and a little color to the pale cheeks of the other ways. Use translucent loose powder to your makeup brush set.

For older women, which is more effective than compressed powder, the wrinkles and fine lines is accentuated. A matte powder reduced under the chin sagging neckline. The tone is slightly darker than the natural skin color.

blush cream, almonds in your gold and copper mixed gently on the cheeks to the temples for the preparation of a flexible, transparent effect. The eyes are the expressive face with make-up and highlighting is one of the easiest ways to be beautiful. To this end, the eyeliner, eyeliner and eye shadow are used normally.

Cosmetics eye shadow is more creative. Eye makeup techniques and choice of eye shadow colors should match the color of the eyes. Before applying eyeshadow, a concealer applied with the neutral color of the skin of the eyelid and the lighter eye shadow applied to the entire territory of the lash line to brow line. This creates a basic stain.

Gel eye shadow creates a youthful appearance, but it must be applied by professionals. Normally for a better view and stresses that creates depth in her eyes, the lighter color is applied to the forehead with the darker shade near the lashes, while the darker shade is used in the fold.

Blends of pink and gray eyes are generally used by older women. A soft pencil brow, playing with hair color, eye, but stresses should be avoided with a black eyebrow pencil. To improve the eyes for the night, bright reflections of its implementation.

The look is wonderful if one composed of the mascara. If you use the mascara, the application must start from the root of the lashes, then transferred to the best results edge. For a softer look and flattering brown mascara does the trick. The lips are another segment of the main face. Special attention is given to the lips while applying makeup. First, the lips before lip color smoothed.

Foundation will be created and the lips are defined by a lip pencil. For the lips instead of lip qTip help the implementation of the color of the lips, while the thin lips look fuller look with shades. The soft colors of pale pink fishing, berry, coral or make lips look delicious.

Changes in procedures for the production of the season. During the rainy season, and transferred to pure light makeup, waterproof mascara, lipstick and without foundation impervious to water, at the risk of smearing. In winter, women appear more glamorous and polished tones tones such as coffee, chocolate and berry cheeks and smoke-screens used for the eyes. Light and radiation are used in abundance during the winter holidays.

In summer, a new face is sprayed with the lightest possible touch translucent colors such as powder and green eyes with golden bronze tones on the cheeks and chin for a bronzed effect.

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Nail Art Designs

Since the beginning of time, people fear for their jobs more attractive and more beautiful by the tattoo with vegetable dyes and other natural colors. If you think that the nails were spared by this problem, you should think again. You see, as long as 5000 years ago people in India are known for their art in the hands and nails with henna or mehndi express comes from plants.

Learn more about the nails

The tradition of decorating nails with beautiful colors and symbols is gaining popularity in this country today. increasingly shows not only provide simple manicures, pedicures and artificial nails, but also so-called nail art. In addition to painting polished nails in different colors, you can now see with precious stones, metals, or simply beautiful drawings of butterflies, ladybugs and flowers. Some are even perforated or stamped with a number of small objects like beads and metal beads.

Today Nail Design is one of the most popular ways to express themselves. The good news for most people is that it is usually not permanent like tattoos, so you can change styles and colors to suit your needs. For people who work and have strict rules of the office you can always satisfy your thirst for art by his toenails.

Trends and contemporary styles in Nail Art

Painting and airbrushing

Two of the simplest and most common expression through painting nails with a nail brush and ordinary airbrush painting. Simple drawings, symbols and drawings can be obtained by this method. For a colorful and elegant, you may still have some luster. You can find many salons that offer these services.

If you have daughters, you can hand-painted nail art, or wear the airbrush over the summer. They love crawling spiders, Daisy, have bright stars, and even cute little heart in small nails.


You are in the style of abstract art certainly appreciate this new art nail. However, this requires much patience of the artist, for it can achieve the right combination of colors of marble the desired effect can be difficult. If you do not use it on the psychedelic colors and powerful want, this style can also be used in the office. Just be sure to choose pastel colors and light-no shock to his superiors.

Piercing and aesthetic

Body piercing is popular, especially for young people and adults young. If you are interested in rings and other drilling equipment, but do not want to hurt, you can have your nails piercing. However, it is recommended that a professional nail technician will go not to have your nails involved in this process. In general, the rings are given in acrylic nails and not the real one.

Some people are addicted to gemstones and precious metals. Instead of these expensive materials in the mouth and teeth, we can put on your nails. Typically, stones and other precious materials in acrylic or gel nails shall be used, because they are stronger and longer. You can find all details of the job you want as long as you have the money, resources, and a guru of good nails.

Nail Care

Since the nail art is not so cheap, you make it last longer. Therefore, you should take care of your nails.

The first thing to remember that if you nail art is that you do not treat all types of bleach or chemicals. If you must, make sure to wear gloves. If you do not have to pay someone who would do the laundry for you, it is best not to make T-shirts and dresses made of fragile materials that need to wash their hands. Hand washing and cleaning agents can break too easily fade nail polish.

It should also nails a few days or weeks of rest after each nail art or detail, especially if they require the use of acrylic paints, gels or platform. Many people tend to develop nail fungus for that reason. If you already have nail fungus, you have to wait to heal completely before a nail art in order to prevent the spread of the disease and a further deterioration of the nails.

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Make your face glow and beautiful

Normal skin

Normal skin is comfortable and requires less attention. Good luck with this skin type to keep a balance between the production of oil and moisture skin smooth and healthy with minimal downtime. Clean with mild soap daily and use a light moisturizer if needed usually sufficient for this type of skin but little maintenance.

Dry skin

Dry skin can affect any age but is more common with age. It can be uncomfortable and crowded, often with dry areas cause the irritation and itching. Due to the lack of oil, dry skin is more prone to fine lines and wrinkles appear. If your skin is dry, a moisturizer under make-up and often at bedtime to increase comfort and reduce your chances of unwanted lines.

Oily skin

Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands work overtime and give too much oil, our skin look shiny, greasy, sometimes. Large pores are often characteristic of people with oily skin type and young people often have acne and experience diminished self-esteem. Fortunately, there are many products on the market today to keep oil under control, reduce or eliminate scarring that can occur. The use of make-up and powder absorbs excess oil and minimize shine.

Zone T

Combination skin care is the most difficult because some areas are dry, a little fat and some may be quite normal. oily surfaces are usually T-zone and forehead, while the dry areas are often in peripheral areas of the cheeks. The use of hair products that can come into contact with the skin around the hairline affect an unwanted pregnancy drying. There is no product that magically solve the problems of the region, so it's best to take the time to the type of combination skin to respond accordingly.

Tips to brighten your face, are as follows.

- Put your face to the sun.
- Apply a moisturizer before you leave.
- Wash your face at least 3 times per day.
- Weekly to remove after washing the face with an exfoliating cream, face quality to dead cells, black heads and white heads.
- Apply the Aloe Vera Gel night.
- Use a herbal mask once a week.
- Eat more fruit and vegetables.
- Drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

Eating the right diet for your skin

Skin care products more expensive it will not help you clear healthy skin without help from their diet. What you eat is reflected in his body outside. Here are some tips on proper nutrition for healthy skin and clear.

* Fish contains oils that nourish the skin makes it soft and light.

* Flaxseed is known, a good source of omega three, that help improve the health of the skin. You can get a little flaxseed to your breakfast cereal.

* Eat a salad with carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes, broccoli and kale, you will be rich in Vitamin A, which radiates a need for a healthy skin. Some people are rough, dry skin, which is usually the sign of a lack of vitamin A.

* Eat with nuts like almonds and hazelnuts to improve skin tone by being able vital vitamin E. commented on a beautiful clear skin by eating some of these nuts a day.

* The excessive use of refined white flour and sugar leads to premature aging of the skin and increases wrinkles. If you are looking to lighten your skin fast, you should avoid consuming products containing large amounts of refined sugar, including soft drinks and sweets included.

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Weight loss food for men and women

Eat food for wieght loss men's and women's

* If you gain weight, you are getting more calories than you burn in a day. If you look at food as an office or a snack, we tend to eat more than we need. If you look over food as energy or fuel (which is what it is) to see, we can learn to eat only what you need. Check out the basic types of food to eat to lose weight.

* Protein: Everyone needs a type of protein. Although meat is the most common form of the protein, although vegetarians and vegans need protein. Beef is a large protein, but should be eaten in moderation, if you try to lose weight. That's because it tends to be higher fat than other meats. Poultry and fish are to eat good food if you want to lose weight.

* Nuts and protein, a flavor packet. They are actually good for you and you can still eat healthy fat. Eggs and beans are also rich in protein.

* Fiber: This allows the colon stay clean and keeps food moving along. If you're serious about finding food food to lose weight, here are some important tips. Vegetables are often in high-fiber, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, vegetables and many other good examples. If you get bored with the same vegetables every night that things happen for them peppers in a casserole or stuffed.

* Do not bother with the processed grain or rice, which have almost zero nutritional value. Instead, go for whole grains (but not if you are counting carbs). Some want to add extra fiber to their vegetarian rolls.

* Fruits contain fiber. Strawberries, apples and oranges are known to be rich in fiber. The fruits are some of the easiest foods to eat to lose weight - are delicious and there are many options. If you want to eat oranges, remove any white membrane surrounding the fruit. This part has the highest fiber content of all. If you are counting carbs, opt for fruits low in carbohydrates such as berries.

* If the proposed changes on this page, you will see that the menu is always exciting to do. You better lose weight while this healthy food.

* Protein - is a food heat can really help you quickly get back into shape. And plant fibers - the fibers are a very good food calories minimal right amount of food. Therefore, you get a feeling of fullness with fewer calories. Have some good carbs such as wheat, oats for breakfast and after exercise can help replenish muscle glycogen and maintain energy for training and will in turn burn more calories. But they have no carbohydrates in hours not active.

* Eliminate refined (processed) carbohydrates). Eat a meal every three guards (5 or 6 meals per day). You must not eat, but they spread throughout the day. Each of the five or six small meals should be at least 15 grams of crude protein (from natural sources) for a woman or at least 20 grams per meal for a dollar. This speeds up the metabolism and help stop all cravings.

Food is low in fat

The popularity of low-fat diets was literally a premium low-fat or no grocery stores. Try food is low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol and to eliminate the total cost of burning fat. Benefits of reducing fat and cholesterol are not only lose weight but also better traffic management, which can reduce the symptoms of problems such as erectile dysfunction. Foods are low in fat fruit and vegetables, whole grains and beans. Find low-fat dairy products or milk and cheese as. Restrict to avoid your intake of lean meat and sausage products such as sausages and salami.

Foods low in carbohydrates

Diet low in carbohydrates will like Zone and Atkins diet, have their share of criticism, but it is a place for foods low in carbohydrates in healthy weight loss. Avoid processed bread with flour and processed baked goods produced. Instead, their protein intake from lean meat and soy products. Leafy vegetables provide nutrients without a lot of carbohydrates.

Food calories

The type of weight loss - you must consume fewer calories than you consume -: food is low in calories to play an important role in your diet plan. Choose provide nutritious ingredients, food for less calories. The sources of protein include lean poultry and fish, all kinds of vegetables and soy products. Eat more foods rich in fiber, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The fiber keeps you feeling of fullness, reduce cravings and thus help maintain the overall reduction in calories.

positive feeding practices

How do you eat can be as important as what you eat. Whatever your diet, focus on eating only when hungry. It is tempting to snack when you are bored, but this leads to weight gain. Also, never skip breakfast, always divide total consumption in at least three meals. This ensures a stable metabolism and prevents you overeating, if you skip a meal.

Special note for male athletes

Men's sport, or those starting an exercise program should be able to avoid sudden changes in diet affect your physical performance. extreme restriction of calories should be avoided; requirements of calories in physical activity. Avoid cutting whole food groups and nutrients, while male non-athletes can benefit from a diet without fat or carbohydrates, which may affect their fitness plans.

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Gold Necklaces

Some gold necklaces come with golden chains, while others come with silk cords, cord, leather, rubber cords or steel cables. The main reason is the access into gold chain for many people because of lower prices, but the variety offered by this combination of materials also be attractive enough for you to opt for a change. An important factor in buying gold necklaces is where you buy it. It is often said that all that glitters is not gold, when great care is required.

If you have a reputable seller of jewelry Dreamland to examine the effort, if what you buy is genuine or not escaped purchase decision. It takes some special ability, and probably know the team, whether a gold necklace is real gold, and if some or all of these then you are sure that you are dealing with credible organizations, are you also the possibility of an article I think it is fair or expected.

There are gold necklaces for men and women on different occasions and also according to your comfort. Chains are usually to the gap between the neck and the top of the bridge of your clothes. Therefore, it is fashionable to thick neck chains, exposed to a large part of your body to carry and wear thin, with only the neck is exposed. But you can also choose to use clamps on the banner because it is fashionable today.

Different types of models, such as boundaries, Figaro, Rope, Safety and Singapore expanded the choices you can make the purchase of gold chains. Prices vary depending on the designs and some other models have more material than the thick. You will also find that some of the gold necklaces are made from gold, while others are covered with gold. The former are many times more expensive than this.

Gold jewelry are fully clothed as good as gold jewelry, until the coating is real gold. Gold necklaces with the snake design are known to be attractive to many other models. If you buy jewelry Dreamland then you're sure you buy quality Italian craftsmanship. Their products are 100% Italian, which is in itself a guarantee of good quality, unlike when you buy from sources such as Asia, where there is a huge task of identifying true or false. You also get very high discounts, which are used to make the prices even more when purchased at Dreamland.

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Fashion Necklaces

Shirt neck are too many, it can be difficult to choose to wear the right jewelry necklaces with them. Some women have only one or two necklaces that use most of their clothes. When it comes to some sections, but only completely skip a necklace, they do not know how the two fit together successfully. This article describes the most popular clips, collars, and what type of mode is required, the completed well.


V-neck T-shirts are easy to focus. Only a necklace in an ideal location on the ceiling. The weight of the roof, the string must be in a "V" move, like the neck of the shirt he wears.


From the front of the neck hangs around his neck, and you want to shirt or fix your pearls necklaces. You can choose jewelry, wear several necklaces, or simply for a review. Bead colors are working with more color with clear glass beads rolled your PC is more stylish.


If you are not a division, you might want to drop on a necklace with a pendant that just below the base of the neck. Just a simple necklace with a small stimulus is needed. You do not want to exaggerate, if there is no collar for use in combination with the collar fashion.

Square neck

A square neckline works well with a necklace. The position at the top will draw attention to the neck, a collar that is loose in the neck, it is easy to recognize. If you do not like the proximity of a necklace, choose a necklace that is not too long, like the one below, the least effective addition to the panty.


Poles come with a longer neck than most other peaks. This can draw attention to her cleavage, but can be restored with the chains in the right way. Select an area has a steep slope that makes a bold statement.

As you can see, various necklaces with different sections blouse be worn. It is important that the best jewelry with top pair, you understand well the work of two together. Check this article each time you use a different type of shirt if you need advice, what kind of fashion necklaces choose.You not want a collar that is too arrogant required for the neck - and at the same time, do not want to hide no cut his necklace smaller!

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Stud Earrings

Gold is always elegant and never out of fashion. All gold jewelry are classified system carat indicating the purity of the metal or the proportion of gold in each piece. Among them, 14-karat gold is less expensive, making it popular among the buyers of jewelry. It contains 14 parts gold and ten parts of one or more metals or 58.3% gold. There are a lot of choice in 14 carat gold jewelry market.

Gold is one of the few types of precious metals considered. It is said that the amount of gold is promoted world just enough to cover the base of the Eiffel Tower. With the gold price in the market consistently over the shooting in recent years, the precious metal remains one of the best investments for anyone who buys gold jewelry. Even if you buy something special for a loved one, as do a pair of earrings in 14K gold studies, your gift is certainly a long way.

A couple of 14K gold earrings studies would be a perfect gift for birthdays, graduations, Christmas parties and other special occasions. They look good on young children and adult women who like to wear simple jewelry for casual occasions. They are ideal for use in the office and when chosen correctly, can improve the appearance of the application.

Are you more extraordinary landscape love back, you can choose between different models available. You can easily earrings in 14K gold in local shops and stores online. Of course there are some other options, such as earrings, such as earrings and balancing or 14 earrings made of gold, adorned with precious stones. Jewelers do a good job, with unique designs that will be chosen very difficult. However, you're sure to find the right game for you or someone special.

Because they are cheaper than gold, buy several pair as a gift and make sure that the beneficiaries will be appreciated. You can even looking earrings in 14 carat gold and teach their children when they begin to multiply. 14-karat gold can also take the form of white gold, which also often used to be attractive and artistic in jewelry design. The value carat white is more expensive because it is mixed with alloys of precious metals like silver.

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Fashion Earrings

If you prefer punk simple, elegant, couture, or a little glow, the perfect pair of earrings can be the perfect complement to any outfit for women. When it comes to choosing the type of movement for women but many buyers are unaware that certain types of ear rings best with certain face shapes. And here is a practical guide to help you determine what types of sets of ear rings rather the shape of the face have been completed.

The first round of the longest side, heart

If your face is rather long and narrow, that you are beautiful earrings, pendants to avoid long. These types of earrings fashion for women only make your face look even longer and thinner. Instead, select or fixed with more volume, especially at the bottom. drop earrings with molds or ball, are excellent ways to improve the appearance of the face. This type of earrings for a good heart-shaped face, which tends to wider at the top and narrows a small chin.

Slim a round face

For a round face, long earrings with a stylish and less bulky look slim in the face. Women who want to spend on a round face should avoid, rings or other types of round earrings. This is prone to circles and rings to draw the eye horizontally and face still round. In contrast, tend to attract more watchful eye on a vertical line to make the appearance of a round face, thinner extended.

Minimize a larger area or Plaza

Wide or square faces can be complemented by subtle curves slope systems. Earrings oval, detailed rings and earrings, of medium length with round bales are the styles that tend to complement these face shapes. Women with this face shape should avoid too long earrings or bulky. Earrings with a waterfall and find burn patients are especially flattering to the shape of the face width.

Oval faces

Oval faces are well balanced, and almost any type of tilt can be used with this face shape of women, although oval earrings set in an oval face tear tend to fill very well. While there are endless possibilities in terms of style earrings are, the clock is important to consider the relative balance between the size of the earrings the size of the area. Striking looking too stiff big step well on a small woman with a small face. Similarly, older women face more steeply for a balanced look.

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Bridal shoes

Wedding fashion has changed significantly in recent years. The wedding dresses white cloth habit (symbolizing purity) are step-by pastel-colored dresses of various textiles replaced. Some brides even choose bright colors for wedding dresses. Even the usual for a wedding ceremony has been changed. Today a ceremony at any location, even in exotic locations.

Because of these changes, including shoes for the brides have to adapt their development. Also covered shoes and sandals with heels are gradually replaced by precious stones and sandals. Note, however, that not a flip-flop on a regular basis. Some of these scales have gems in them.

It is quite understandable that a bride sandals prefer heels or sandals. Who would have pain in the foot during the ceremony and wedding party? The unbearable pain in the feet in a narrow-heeled shoes may wince person does not want that in their wedding photos reflect or even thinks the customer that there is a forced marriage.
Bride belt always celebrated around the world. Not only comfortable, but the bride can easily be moved and without worrying that they might trip over her wedding dress.

Another factor, the bride is the place attracts sandals to the wedding. Popular at weddings in exotic locations or in places where no sunlight during the day of your wedding. It would certainly be uncomfortable, high heels on a hot day or in the sand to wear.

Flip-flop jewelry that the bride and dancing do not mix with his host, no problems. You can imagine the long hours of use of high heels and closed, which may confuse the user. The wedding ceremony would take hours. It would be easier for the bride in comfortable shoes to enjoy your special day with her husband.

Bridal-flip-flops have different designs. The scale is the most common and popular in ivory or white satin, taffeta, silk ribbon or pattern. On some models, you can see stones, Swarovski crystals and even diamonds attached to the shoes of the bride. You can also choose between flat back strap sandals and heels or platform to choose.

To add sandals wedding jewelry is kept cool and romantic look at the feet of the bride well. Flip-flops are still rubber, but the bride may choose to use the glass to make it modern and elegant.

The sandals have become very popular with celebrities because of its convenience and accessibility. Now brides their wedding without suffering the next day swollen feet enjoy. Bright and comfortable about your marriage, probably make it a memorable day.

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